High-quality, value for money teaching resources covering English language and literature; literacy; history; media and Spanish. With twenty-seven years' teaching experience I know what works in the classroom. Engaging, thorough and fun, your students will love these lessons.
High-quality, value for money teaching resources covering English language and literature; literacy; history; media and Spanish. With twenty-seven years' teaching experience I know what works in the classroom. Engaging, thorough and fun, your students will love these lessons.
With a clear explanation of how to create complex sentences using the relative pronoun “who”, students have to combine ten pairs of sentences about famous people, with answers provided. The second activity gives students the first part of a sentence, which they then have to extend themselves, therefore increasing the level of difficulty.
Did you know that sixty percent of English words are derived from Latin and Greek?
This forty-nine slide Powerpoint contains clues to twenty-two prefixes either related to place or time from Greek or Latin.
Students receive the prefix and clues to at least two English words. Designed as a quiz, students can work independently or in groups. Answers are provided at the end and there is a final slide with a table of all the prefixes for students to fill in to consolidate the learning.
Extend your students' vocabularies and understanding of the English language with this Powerpoint.
These spelling activities are divided into four rounds.
In Round 1 students have to guess if the word ends in “tion” or “sion” from the pronunciation and the clue.
In Round 2 students have to choose the correct spelling from a choice of two.
In Round 3 students are introduced to the “cian” ending and have to guess the profession from the clue.
Round 4 is twenty-two clues to words ending in either “tion”,“sion” or “cian”.
Cartoon graphics add interest and help second language speakers.
All answers are provided on the slides, so students mark their own work.
A worksheet is included for consolidation in class or at home.
Approximately 100 slides in total.
This Powerpoint encourages students to create a leaflet to promote an Open Day at your school. It could be used as an activity or a formal assessment. A Word planning sheet is included in the folder.
Support students to write a leaflet with:
a powerpoint to introduce purpose,audience and key features of leaflet.
an example leaflet on watching too much TV and analysis grid.
facts and statistics on benefits of exercises to support the task.
an example of weak leaflet and a strong leaflet for students to evaluate and help them improve their own leaflets.
work covers two lessons - one for preparation, another for writing the leaflet.
Although Old English was spoken many centuries ago, some words have survived into modern English. This powerpoint contains clues to ten words which originated in Old English. It is then followed by examples of place names which are derived from Old English. Students are given many opportunities to brainstorm more place names and investigate the language. This could be used as part of the English or History curriculum.
Starter activity on the homophones allowed and aloud.
Afer the explanation, students fill in the correct word in ten sentences, followed by answers, so students mark their own work.
Students find the spelling rule i before e tricky because there are several exceptions. This sixty slide powerpoint introduces the i before e rule and then students are given time to learn the spellings using a look/cover/spell/check sheet. The powerpoint then gives fifteen sentences with key words missing, which students have to spell correctly. There are a further ten clues to words with ie/ei in them. Finally an additional sheet contains 40 words with letters missing for students to consolidate the learning, either at home or in class. By the end of the lesson, they will be masters of the ie spelling rule!
Learn to spell irregular words ending in -f or -fe that can take -s or -es in a fun way with this powerpoint and worksheet. The rule is explained on the powerpoint and then students are given a look/cover/spell/check worksheet to learn the spellings ready for a test. The powerpoint contains eighteen spellings with graphics for clues, which will help and second language speakers in your class. A further worksheet can be used to consolidate the activity in class or for homework. All answers provided, so students can mark their own work.
Spelling words ending in y can be tricky. This powerpoint provides the rule and then practise with forty words ending in y.
Presented as a quiz, students have to decide which is the correct spelling. This is then followed by a fourteen word exercise to add suffixes to words ending in y.
All answers are provided and slides contain cartoon graphics to extend vocabulary and help second language learners.
A worksheet is included to consolidate the learning in the lesson or at home.
A simplified version of the quiz is thrown in free with differentiated worksheet also.
Focusing on four of the seven types of pronouns that are commonly mis-used, this twenty slide powerpoint explains common misconceptions with activities to embed correct usage. All answers are provided and the powerpoint is fully adaptable. The lesson should take thirty to forty-five minutes.
This lesson explains simple sentences and then shows students how to identify the main clause and subordinate clause in complex sentences. Students extend some given sentence starters into complex sentences. Then they use the information about Lake Como in Italy to create a piece of exciting and sophisticated travel writing.
Teach your students to write effective letters with this example from Dorothy Brooke, an animal welfare campaigner from the 1930s, who rescued World War One war horses which had been sold as working horses in Egypt after the war. Her letter was so successful that it raised £20,000 in today’s money, allowing her to found the charity Brooke, still in existence to this day. Analyse the techniques that Dorothy used to persuade newspaper readers to donate funds and encourage your students to write their own persuasive letters on animal rights or another topic of their choice. Two worksheets - one with background information and the letter and another with an analysis grid and ideas for follow-up activities. Helps prepare students for the letter writing element of GCSE English language.
Foster a love of reading in your students by using this thirty-two slide powerpoint on the life and career of Jacqueline Wilson to inspire your students to research an author of their own choosing. The project can either be print-based or Powerpoint-based, as in the example, if you have access to ICT resources. There are two accompanying worksheets to support the project with lots of ideas for potential authors and how to structure the project. The project could be done at school or set for homework.
Two lessons that cover cliches in the English language. The first lesson looks at how many similes are cliches and invites students to create their own original similes to create a poem about autumn inspired by five different autumnal pictures. The second lesson looks at how many idioms are cliches and uses a worksheet for students to explore the meaning of well-known idioms. Worksheet included.
How influential has the term “gothic” been throughout history?
This powerpoint explains the origin of the term “gothic” and how it applies to architecture and fashion, not just to literature.
It then explains the history and conventions of gothic literature with examples, followed by an explanation of gothic characters.
It ends with a gothic writing task for students, imagining that they have been forced to move into a new spooky house and they must describe the exterior, interior and their bedroom using the conventions of gothic literature. Eighteen slides in total, which students find fascinating.
Covering pre-modification, post-modification and the use and creation of compound adjectives. This twenty-three slide powerpoint full of exercises and answers concludes with a fun activity where students are shown how Shakespeare used compound adjectives to be inventive. They are then challenged to be inventive themselves. The lesson would take one hour or two thirty minutes sessions.
Designed as a follow-on to the powerpoint on colons, this lesson explains the three uses of semi-colons with activities for students, complete with answers. Activities then become more complicated as students are given passages to punctuate with both colons and semi-colons, helping them to become supremely confident in the use of these two pieces of punctuation.
Have fun with your students by teaching them how puns are used in many walks of life, from names of shops, to advertising and jokes. Then inspire your students to come up with their own jokes on the theme of death. Will work well for Halloween.
This powerpoint provides pieces of information about ten classic films, which students have to build into multi-clause complex sentences. All answers are provided.